
Showing posts from 2020

inclusive Wicca calendar 2021

I just designed the inclusive Wicca calendar for 2021. All profits on my Zazzle store go to the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society . inclusive Wicca Calendar by inclusivewicca

New edition of The Night Journey

I am delighted to announce that The Centre For Pagan Studies and the Doreen Valiente Foundation are publishing the revised and expanded edition of The Night Journey: Witchcraft as Transformation by me, Yvonne Aburrow. Buy now from the Doreen Valiente Foundation Shop The Night Journey is a follow-up to my previous book, Dark Mirror: The Inner Work of Witchcraft . The Night Journey: witchcraft as transformation This book explores different ways of doing ritual, and how that relates to the witch’s journey through life, and the stages and pitfalls of the inner work. It describes how to develop as a priestess or priest, and how to work with your group to connect with the land, with queer archetypes, and to challenge oppression. This book is aimed at witches who want to deepen their engagement with their Craft. It explores modes and types of ritual; how rituals work; the uses of sound and silence in ritual; the witch’s journey through life; the stages and pitfalls of the inner work. It shows...

Same sex initiation

Fantastic article from Katie Gerrard. I agree 100%. Just one thing, though - Katie mentions that no-one has performed any same-sex initiations recently; I know of a group of them that were done 10 or 15 years ago.  And since there's a (very unsatisfactory) "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" situation going on right now, how would we know if anyone had done one? Same-sex initiation should be valid in Wicca , by Katie Gerrard (2020) "I’ve looked hard at Gardnerian tradition and tried to work out why cross gender initiation was a thing in the first place; especially when Gardner clearly said mothers could initiate sons and father’s initiate daughters. He even said a woman could strap on a sword and play the role of the High Priest at any point. This suggests Same Sex Initiation can happen if it’s a woman initiating another woman."

Gender-inclusive language

 Great post about gender-inclusive language for events from Major Arqueerna . You’re planning a ritual or event and want to ensure people of all genders feel welcome. But our understanding of gender is ever-evolving, as is the language surrounding it. How do write your invitation language to be inclusive of nonbinary people, agender people, and people of other gender identities?

New edition of Dark Mirror

Dark Mirror: the inner work of witchcraft by Yvonne Aburrow This is a new, revised and expanded edition of Dark Mirror , with new sections and new insights.  Inner work is a name commonly given to the inner processes that happen in ritual. It can also mean the transformation of the psyche that comes about through engaging in religious ritual. However, the best kind of inner work also has an effect outside the individual and outside the circle. When rituals are focused only on self-development, they tend to be a bit too introspective. Ritual is about creating and maintaining relationships and connections - between body, mind, and spirit; with the Earth, Nature, the land, the spirit world, the community, and friends. It is about making meaning, weaving a web of symbolism, story, mythology, meaning, community, and love. Creating a community that welcomes and celebrates diversity. Creating strong and authentic identity to resist the pressures of consumerism and commercialism and capit...

Self-defined: excellent open source dictionary project

I just came across this brilliant dictionary project from Tatiana Mac: SelfDefined . You can contribute on GitHub . A modern dictionary about us. We define our words, but they don't define us. Self-Defined seeks to provide more inclusive, holistic, and fluid definitions to reflect the modern world. The goal for Self-Defined is to become the first modern dictionary that reflects our digital world, using the best aspects of technology while minimising the worst aspects of technology that can cause harm. Self-Defined is successful if it supports greater, more nuanced understanding and tolerance of fellow humans through words.

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Energies and Gender

Great blogpost from Major Arqueerna on gender and the concept of "masculine and feminine energies". "Masculine" vs. "feminine" energy: Why is this still a thing?  by Major Arqueerna (2020) "I believe we should immediately decouple the concept of binary, opposing types of energy from the concepts of “masculine” and “feminine,” because keeping those concepts together is 1. inaccurate, 2. confusing, and 3. harmful. There’s no good reason to tie these types of energetic patterns to patriarchal ideals of gender." Added to the page of articles on gender, sexuality, and polarity .