Websites & resource pages
- Theologies of immanence – a collection of articles about Pagan and related theologies, praxis, and ethics.
- Pagan Consent Culture – a resources website to accompany the book of the same name edited by Christine Hoff Kraemer and Yvonne Aburrow
- Paganism for Beginners - an introduction to Paganisms by Yvonne Aburrow
- Cultural appropriation articles by Yvonne Aburrow
- Tradition articles by Yvonne Aburrow, Sarah Sadie, Christine Hoff Kraemer
- Pagans Against Racism (UK) - Facebook group
- Pagans Against Racism - US-based website with an excellent selection of articles on racism, white privilege, and how these play out in Pagan culture.
- Gods and Radicals - a site of beautiful resistance - awesome website of Pagan, polytheist, Marxist, anarchist, and radical thought. Authors include Rhyd Wildermuth, Léithin Cluan, Alley Valkyrie, Crystal Blanton, Sable Aradia, Yvonne Aburrow, Lorna Smithers, Christopher Scott Thompson, Sophia Burns, and many more.
- Staff of Asclepius - Pagans with Disabilities - Patheos Pagan group blog by and for Pagans with disabilities
- Vulcan's Sister: A blog about Paganism and disability.
- Disability Action Alliance - outstanding collection of resources about disability and accessibility
- Gardnerian Wicca - an unoffical and informative website - unoffical website about the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca.
- Mirror site for Gardnerian Wicca - an unofficial and informative website (for when the above website is down)
- Inclusive Wicca Discussion Group – a friendly group for both seekers and initiates who want to discuss making Wicca more inclusive to gender and sexual diversity, people of colour, and people with a disability.
- The Doreen Valiente Foundation - charitable foundation dedicated to preserving Doreen Valiente’s collection of magical items, and publishing her work.
- Silver Circle – Holland – a Wiccan site in Holland.
- Silver Circle – España - a Wiccan site in Spain.
- Silver Circle – Germany – a Wiccan site in Germany.
- Silver Circle – Russia – a Wiccan site in Russia.
- Wiccan Rede – magazine of Wicca and modern Witchcraft
- Athame - a Wiccan blog in Italian
- Gerald Gardner – The History of Wicca - an online resource for information on Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964) and his influence on modern Wicca.
- The Wica – This is a website about the people behind the resurgence of interest in modern day Witchcraft. A highly informative website about the history of the Craft
- The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic – Boscastle, Cornwall - an excellent museum with a fascinating collection of artefacts relating to ritual magic, folk magic, witchcraft, and Wicca.
- Well of Wisdom – Pagan temple in Ireland
Other traditions
- Spectrum Gate Mysteries - an initiatory religious ritual system that embraces all genders, sexes, and sexual preferences.
- Reclaiming - Principles of Unity (1997) - the Reclaiming tradition's equality & diversity statement
- Heathenry: Inclusive Practice, by Ryan Smith (2016)
- Heathens United Against Racism (Facebook)
- A list of witchcraft traditions
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