Blogging challenge
Since I have started a new series of blogposts on inclusive Wicca, I issued a challenge to the inclusive Wicca discussion group on Facebook:
Inclusive Wicca blogging challenge!
If you have a blog, how about writing a post on how you make your rituals more inclusive, or why you think being inclusive is important, what being inclusive means to you?
If you don't have a blog, send your post to me and I'll put it on the inclusive Wicca website.So far this has resulted in one excellent blogpost by Khristóphoros Hairetikós, Open your hearts and circles. He writes:
A big part of being inclusive is knowing who you are dealing with. We are the officiating priesthood within our circles. Let us adjust them to be accepting of all those that are being welcomed into them. Know your participants, know their needs. Find working alternatives and be ready to adjust. Nobody should ever have to say “I am sorry, I can't do that” in the middle of your rites.And in answer to the question of why being inclusive is important:
Feeling “left out” is a hurtful experience. Sometimes we can brush it off easily. Other times the pain can reach our cores. Sometimes it lingers deep within us whispering lies to us. Sometimes we start believing those lies. We start believing that we are not “worth enough” or that we are “damaged goods”.
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