Keeping our community safe from sexual abuse

The best way to keep our community safe from sexual abuse is to make sure all our events and organisations have a code of conduct and a safeguarding policy.

We the undersigned pledge:

  • not to attend, or give talks or workshops at, events for adults unless they have a publicly available code of conduct with a means of enforcing it;
  • not to attend or give talks or workshops at events where children may be present unless they have a safeguarding policy and a means of enforcing it;
  • to resign from membership in, or not to join, Pagan organisations that don't have a safeguarding policy or a code of conduct.

And we call upon all Pagan organisations, groups, and event organisers:

  • to develop a code of conduct and a safeguarding policy;
  • to publish these on their websites;
  • and to enforce them at all events.

Petition / pledge: A code of conduct for all Pagan events and organisations
Please sign and share.


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