Queering Paganism

The Absolute Dangers of Witchcraft & Inclusive Wicca by Pat Mosley
"Witchcraft has traditionally been the realm of old women, intersex people, people with disabilities, abortionists, visionaries, and the kind of folks you go to when you need the Devil on your side. Witchcraft today is a home for the Queer and marginalized. It is a place and status of Power grown from within and in resistance to a world that is often poisonous. The Witch is an archetype of the Other, the Outsider, inside us who share."

Witchy Queers: Queer Pagan Camp
“We do not need mediators. We work consensually to create rituals. We do not need hierarchies. We welcome spirits and work with them. We do not command them. We share knowledge of different traditions; we create new ways of working. Stirring the cauldron of gender, we are not limited by gender-based magical working. We believe we can all work with spiritual power; that we all can be our own healers, celebrants and guides.”

The Sacred Fool by Yvonne Aburrow
Humour skewers the powerful and the pompous, pricking their bubble of self-importance. That’s why authoritarians don’t like humour and seek to control it, to turn it as a weapon against the powerless. But the joyous wildness always breaks through the cracks, like ivy and creepers bringing down stone and concrete.

Spirit Matters IV: Ten Queer Spiritual Roles, by Tom Moon, 2005
"In his book, Coming Out Spiritually, Christian [de la Huerta] shares some of what he has learned about queer spirituality. He believes that queer people have unique spiritual gifts to offer the world, and he describes these gifts as ten spiritual roles or archetypes which we have traditionally fulfilled."

We Are Rising, by Yvonne Aburrow, 2016
The Queer Ones are rising. We are rising out of the woods, out of the ocean, out of the cracks between the concrete. Genderqueer, transgender, glorious peacock-shimmering, rising out of the darkness, the healing and sacred darkness, into the many-hued light of day. Queer deities, genderqueer deities, transgender goddesses and gods. Inari the fox god/dess; Vertumnus the changeable and ever-changing; tricksters and healers, poets and seers and shamans.

Paganism and Asexuality by Celestine Nox
"Asexuals do not need to release the baggage of our upbringing. We do not need medication. We are not broken, we are not frigid, and we are not denying an essential part of ourselves. We’re perfectly happy the way we are–or could be, if the society around us didn’t keep trying to convince us there’s something wrong with us. What we do need is acceptance and inclusion, just like every other part of the LGBT+ community."
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