Resisting fascism

Who, if not you? Civil courage by Maria Grjasnow
Many people are afraid or do not know how to react when witnessing a racist incident. In such situations, civil courage is needed. Speaking up to support someone in need while others are silent is not easy. But civil courage is possible and can be trained.

A guide to how to intervene if you witness Islamophobic or other racist harassment.

Solidarity networks by Rhyd Wildermuth (Gods & Radicals)
Groups of people are smuggling fleeing refugees across borders—for free. Some show up when gangs of white supremacists gather in city centers and fight them off. Thousands of people are gathering on sacred land to help indigenous people fight off government-approved explosive pipelines. People are risking imprisonment and death to fight police, the military, corporate security, and fascists to defend others. They’re stockpiling birth control, teaching self-defense, and working to keep other people safe.

A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support (USA)
Here are a few organizations that work to fight for the rights of our most vulnerable populations, and ways you can volunteer or donate to make sure they are able to work harder than ever.

Popular Front
A site featuring news, views, and communiques from today’s anti-Trump and anti-fascist resistance movements.

Rebel Well: A Starter Survival Guide to a Trumped America (Scarleteen)
"In the wonderful event we’re wrong about what we're all facing, none of these things will be a waste of your time. Most of what's advised here makes it more likely, whatever the circumstance, that we and others will be okay. And some of what we suggest in this guide, particularly when it comes to supporting and helping each other, are the only ways we can keep what’s awful from getting worse and start changing things for the better, not just for now, but for the future, so we may never wind up dealing with something this epically big and bad for just about everyone again."
And then they came for us - sharing stories, starting change
"We are friends. We are neighbors. We may not look the same, or talk the same, or think the same, but we are all people. It's time to get to know one another. It's time to speak up and say hello, and to speak out when we see harm being done."

The safety pin: a reminder to resist bigotry, by Yvonne Aburrow
We know how this goes. Let’s speak out against hatred and bigotry and violence now. Consider it a practice-run for if/when Trump sends in the highly militarised police and starts rounding up Muslims and undocumented immigrants; or if/when they begin to implement Pence’s horrible anti-LGBT ideas.

So you want to wear a safety pin, by Isobel de Brujah
But don’t do it without a plan. Because the very last thing a tense situation needs is someone full of good intentions but with no knowledge of de-escalation tactics or self-defense. Your intentions are not a tangible shield.

So You Want to Wear a Safety Pin Part 2: Is it Really About Your Feelings? by Isobel de Brujah
What other people think of you doesn’t matter. Helping people does. If you’re not in it to help, then wearing the safety pin isn’t about the marginalized, it’s about your ego. Your ego doesn’t matter. ... Because it’s not really about the pin either. It’s about the promise. It’s about recognizing that marginalized people are and have always been in danger.

7 things you can do right now to protect yourself from the Trump regime
This list will also be useful in the UK, which has just passed a law giving the government unprecedented access to your private data.

Thee Devil's Handshake: a Wytche's Grammer of Antifascism, by Dr Bones
“Ye have called the Forces Outside to aid in ye struggle for liberation. Be mindful that the Code stay safe…”

Folk heroes of the resistance by Yvonne Aburrow 
The stories and songs of people down the centuries resisting tyranny, slavery, oppression and fascism are important because they nourish the inner life of the resistance. They give us hope, they give us heroes and heroines, they give us tactics, and they give us songs. All too often, history is a story told by the victors, telling us to keep quiet and wait for the crumbs to be handed down from the tables of the oppressors. That isn’t how it works, and that is never how it has worked.

Ethnicity and anti-racism
Resources on combating racism in the UK and Turtle Island (Canada and the USA)

Memories of resistance 


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